The Supervision of Self-Government Bodies’ Regulations in Hungary


  • István Hoffman Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Department of Public Administration, H-1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3
  • Krisztina Rozsnyai Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Department of Public Administration, H-1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3


Ključne besede:

local government, judicial review, local government system, decentralisation, judicial practice


The judicial and constitutional review processes of regulations of Hungarian autonomous bodies with self-government are analysed by our article. Firstly, the circle of the autonomous bodies with self-government and the definition and forms of regulations, general decisions of these organs are reviewed. Secondly, the judicial and constitutional review processes of the local self-government decrees are examined and it could be highlighted that the judicial protection of subjective rights and the execution of court decisions may be problematic. The same problems arise in connection with the supervision activity over professional bodies’ regulations as shown thirdly. The main question of the practical effectiveness of the new regulations are analysed fourthly in the article. Although the tools of legal supervision have been strengthened radically, the importance of these procedures has not changed significantly. As the result of the analysis de lege ferenda recommendations are set forward.

Biografije avtorja

  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor


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