Special Issue: The Impact of Local Governance on School Systems and Performance


  • Vinita Khanna Ph.D (Law and Policy) and Post Graduation in Human Rights
  • Anna Müller, Department of Educational Policy and Administration, University of Berlin, Germany

Aims and Scope:

This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted impacts of local governance on school systems and performance. By examining the roles, responsibilities, and influences of local governments, this issue seeks to understand how governance structures affect educational outcomes, equity, resource allocation, and overall school effectiveness. We invite contributions that offer theoretical insights, empirical findings, case studies, and policy analyses related to the governance of education at the local level.

Topics to be Included:

Theoretical Frameworks and Conceptual Models

  • Defining local governance in education.
  • Conceptual models linking governance structures to school performance.
  • Comparative analyses of governance models across different regions or countries.

Governance Structures and Educational Outcomes

  • Impact of local school boards on student achievement.
  • Role of local governments in curriculum development and implementation.
  • Influence of local policies on teacher recruitment, retention, and professional development.

Resource Allocation and Equity

  • Effects of local funding formulas on school resources and equity.
  • Case studies on equitable distribution of resources in diverse communities.
  • Analysis of budget priorities and their impact on school performance.

Community Engagement and Stakeholder Involvement

  • Role of parent and community involvement in local school governance.
  • Strategies for effective stakeholder engagement in decision-making processes.
  • Impact of community partnerships on school success.

Policy Implementation and Challenges

  • Case studies on the implementation of local education policies.
  • Challenges faced by local governments in executing educational reforms.
  • Strategies for overcoming barriers to effective governance.

Accountability and Performance Measurement

  • Mechanisms for holding local governments accountable for educational outcomes.
  • Use of performance metrics and data in local governance.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of local accountability systems.

Innovative Practices and Case Studies

  • Successful examples of local governance improving school performance.
  • Innovations in governance practices that lead to educational improvement.
  • Lessons learned from failed governance initiatives.

Comparative and International Perspectives

  • Comparative studies on local governance across different countries.
  • Impact of decentralization on school performance in various contexts.
  • International case studies highlighting best practices and challenges.

Future Directions and Policy Recommendations


  • Emerging trends in local governance and their implications for education.
  • Policy recommendations for enhancing the role of local governance in education.
  • Vision for the future of local governance in school systems.


Submission Guidelines:

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the journal's submission system.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process.

Authors should follow the journal's formatting and style guidelines available on the journal’s website.

Submissions should include a title page with the title, authors' names and affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author.

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline:  30/08/2024

Notification of Acceptance: 10/09/2024

Publication Date: 30/09/2024

We look forward to your contributions to this important discussion on the impact of local governance on school systems and performance. For any inquiries, please contact the special issue editors at officeeditor@lex-localis.org

Feel free to modify or expand on this structure as needed.

APC: 2000 USD

We will collect approx 70 papers for the special issue and we will Publish approx. 20 papers. The payment of each and every paper will be ensured by us.

20 Papers: Not more than 5 papers from 1 country.

Here is the template link.