The Nature of the “Quasi” – Municipal Policing in Hungary with International and Historical Outlook


  • István Hoffman Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law
  • János Fazekas Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law



policing, municipal policing, local policies, remedies, municipal organisation


The article reviews the legal status, the organisation and the tasks of Hungarian municipal policing, and the transformation of this system. Firstly, theoretical and international backgrounds of the topic are shown. Secondly, the article presents the changing roles of Hungarian municipal policing. Here, a tendency of nationalisation can be observed, but from the 1980s the framework of the municipal policing has evolved. Thirdly, the mixed nature of the Hungarian municipal policing is analysed which system can be characterise as a “quasi police” system because of the similarities and differences of the municipal and state police authorities.

Author Biographies

  • Associate Professor

  • Assistant Professor


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