Huma Betang-Based Resolution of Mining Land Conflicts: Belom Bahadat Legal Culture of Bakumpai Dayak Community in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
legal culture, bakumpai dayak, philosophy, Huma Betang, belom bahadatAbstract
This study aimed to explore local wisdom treasures related to the study of legal culture which was not widely known by the public. This study used a mix of anthropological and juridical philosophical methods. It used the socio-legal study approach conducted through direct exploration and structured interviews. Results showed that Dayak Bakumpai indigenous people highly uphold the inclusive cultural principles contained in the Huma Betang philosophies. One of the philosophies was the resolution of mining land conflicts, influenced by the culture’s positive values. This value was adopted from an inclusive culture in the Belom Bahadat values that are upheld by the Bakumpai Dayak community. Meanwhile, conflict resolution was carried out through "Bahandep Bahapakat Rakat", which is a practice of helping each other in deliberations. This is so that the headman or local traditional leader can help people return to harmony.
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