The Influence of Work Motivation on Organizational Commitment Among Civil Servants of Kazakhstan: Analyzing the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction


  • Gaziz Sagituly Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of International and Public Affairs
  • Junhua Guo Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of International and Public Affairs



motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, civil servant, government sector


One of the priority directions of administrative reforms that take place in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the enhancement of civil service effectiveness. And, the success of reforms will mostly be determined by the condition of civil service, which depends on the performance of civil servants. Taking into consideration the importance of motivated and satisfied employees on their commitment, this study was aimed to identify the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction on employees’ commitment and studying the mediating role of job satisfaction on the relationship of civil servants’ motivation and organizational commitment in the central and local executive bodies in Kazakhstan. In total, 1205 civil servants from 5 ministries and 4 regional administration completed a questionnaire adapted from previous studies. The results show significant relationships exist between work motivation dimensions and organizational commitment as well as work motivation and job satisfaction. Moreover, the study found the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the hypothesized relationships. This paper contributes to the existing human resources literature on employees’ commitment and guides management on how to improved employees’ job satisfaction and employee’s commitment.


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