Competitive Jurisdictions of Local Administration Authorities and Notaries for the Certification Purposes in Montenegro
certifications, local self-government authorities, notaries, MontenegroAbstract
With the adoption of the new Law on Certification of Signatures, Manuscripts and Transcripts the Montenegrin legislator did not take into account the fact of introducing the notary services into the legal system of Montenegro. Unlike most of the comparative legislations, certification of signatures, transcripts and manuscripts have not been transferred to the exclusive competence of notaries, but a competitive competence of notaries, local administration authorities and the courts in carrying out these assignments has been retained. Further retention of competitive jurisdiction in this matter is not justified any more. The analysis of this decision has shown that it leads to an unequal position, depending on the authority before which the certification is performed, whereas the obligations and professional competences of officials and notaries are different. Notarial certifications contribute to greater legal certainty and besides are more available to the citizens and not more expensive. Parallel jurisdiction is not a standard of notarial services in European continental law which has adopted the Latin model of notary as a independent profession having public authorities. This solution does not lead to building a legal certainty, protection of public interest and relieving the work of courts and administrative authorities, which has been the underlying legal political reason for introducing notariat.
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