Key Success Factors for Sustainability in Regional Innovation to Improve the Quality of Public Services
regional innovation, innovation sustainability, public sector innovation, public services quality, collaboration, leadership, key success, success factorAbstract
In more than a decade, the rapid growth of public sector innovations in Indonesia were demonstrated by the number of innovations listed in the Public Service Innovation Competition which held from 2014 to 2022 and the growth number of the Innovative Government Award participants which held from 2018 to 2022 have grown by 517% and 576% respectively. However, the advancement in number of innovations were not in line with scalling-up of public service quality. This happened due to unsustainability in the regional innovations. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze factors those affect the regional innovation sustainability in improving the quality of public services. This study used a qualitative approach. Data were analyzed by using the descriptive analysis technique. The studies from Bandung City, Cimahi City, and Banyuwangi Regency showed that leadership, collaboration, usability, and a conducive ecosystem of innovations are the key success factors for the sustainability of innovation in improving the quality of public services. This study recommend to develop the regional innovation governance to ensure the quality of public services.
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