The Development of Innovation Knowledge Management System in Tangerang Regency


  • Witra Apdhi Yohanitas National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center
  • Arif Ramadhan National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center
  • Muhammad Akbar Pribadi National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center
  • Novi Savarianti Fahrani National Research and Innovation Agency, Directorate of Political, Legal, Defense, and Security Policy
  • Robby Firman Syah National Research and Innovation Agency, Directorate of Political, Legal, Defense, and Security Policy
  • Selfy Andreani Regional Development Planning Agency
  • Sudardi , National Institute of Public Administration, State Administration Innovation Center
  • Alih Aji Nugroho Public Development Administration, Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta
  • Ilima Fitri Azmi Public Development Administration, Polytechnic of STIA LAN Makassar
  • Annisa Nurjannah Brawijaya University, Economics Faculty
  • Rahmat Nuryono Islamic University 45 of Bekasi
  • Hadi Supratikta National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center
  • Tomo Hadi Saputro National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center
  • Hotnier Sipahutar National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center
  • Suripto , National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center
  • Marsono , National Research and Innovation Agency, Domestic Government Research Center



knowledge management system, KMS model, regional innovation, Tangerang Regency


The problem of regional innovation is the absence of data inventory, processes, lesson learning, well-integrated regional innovation management, and supporting infrastructure for activities, namely the Knowledge Management System container. Knowledge Management System is a tool, technique, and strategy used to maintain, analyze, organize, develop, and share business expertise. The purpose of this study is the availability of lesson learned knowledge management system governance in government agencies as a comparison, an integrated KMS model can support the sustainability of regional innovation in Tangerang Regency, and an integrated and sustainable KMS prototype of regional innovation. Research methods are carried out qualitatively with literature studies, comparative studies of research objects, and applied model tests in Tangerang Regency. Data collection techniques use literature review, observation, expert judgment, and in-depth interviews to test the KMS model for Regional Innovation. The expected result is the availability of an innovation knowledge management system model for local governments which can then be developed into a knowledge management system for regional innovation.


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