Organisational Design – Learning from Engagement During High-impact Low-frequency Events
organisational design, crisis-induced learning, first responders, Western Balkan areaAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the structural, cultural and relationship changes among the organisations engaged during high-impact low-frequency events. Our binary basis variable was calculated from the level of engagement in high-impact low-frequency events throughout the Western Balkans area. Furthermore, the findings presented in this paper are based on empirical data obtained through questionnaires among the firefighters, mountain rescue squads, Red Cross, as well as some military and police personnel. Questionnaire respondents were selected due to their engagement during the high-impact low-frequency events in the Western Balkan area. Finally, the data analysis revealed that changes in the structure, culture and organisational relationships significantly differ among organisations related to the level of engagement. It shows us a minor change in organisations that engaged less than 25 per cent of personnel during high-impact low-frequency events. In that regard, the paper adds a new value to the expansion and deepening of the existing opus of the literature in the field of Emergency Management and a unique point to the understanding of organisational learning from emergencies and organisational change.
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