How to Create a Successful Regional Startup Ecosystem: A Policy-making Analysis


  • Ales Pustovrh University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics
  • Marko Jaklič University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics
  • Domen Bole Co-creation d.o.o.
  • Blaž Zupan University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics



regional innovation ecosystem, startup, policy-making analasys, South East Europe


The paper analyses regional startup ecosystems in South-East Europe and policy measures implemented in individual ecosystems. It shows that different startup ecosystems have different levels of support measures and different levels of success in creating, growing and retaining local startups and attracting startups from other regions. Results show that policy-makers can help create attractive ecosystems and thus create business environments that can greatly enhance the attraction of their ecosystem for domestic startup and attract foreign startups. If successful, this can result in a virtuous circle of constantly increasing attractiveness of a regional startup ecosystem.


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