Constitutional Aspects of Local Taxes in the Slovak Republic and in the Czech Republic


  • Anna Romanova Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law
  • Michal Radvan Masaryk University, Faculty of Law
  • Johan Schweigl Masaryk University, Faculty of Law



Local tax, local charge, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, constitution, European Charter of Local Self-Government


The main aim of the paper is to analyze the constitutional backgrounds of the local taxes´ legal regulation, assessment, and collection in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. The paper starts with the general constitutional regulation of taxes and continues with the critical analyses of local taxes´ regulation and application in both countries. It follows the legal power of legal norms, starting with the international aspects – the European Charter of Local Self-Government, continuing with the constitutional issues and finishing with the statutory regulation of local taxes. The first part of the hypothesis that even if the constitutional regulation in these countries is very different and gives different opportunities for the local taxes adoptions both in national Parliaments and in local councils, the practice in both countries is very similar, was (with a small difference in the actual use of given possibilities to adjust the real property tax revenues by the municipalities, which speaks in favour of the Slovak ones compared to the Czech) confirmed. However, the second part of the hypothesis that in both countries local self-government units do have adequate powers to impose and collect local taxes was rejected. In the conclusion, the comparison between the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic is made and possible changes de lege ferenda are presented.


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