Constitutional and Legal Foundations for Local Self-Government in Montenegro
fouundations for local self-government, constitution, legislation, European Charter of Local Self-Government, MontenegroAbstract
This paper discusses the arrangement of local self-government in Montenegro by the 2007 Constitution of Montenegro and a number of laws, in order to examine the contribution to the strenghtening of local self-government and compliance with the standards of the Council of Europe. Although required by those standards, the constitutional recognition of certain significant issues and principles of local self-government has been unaddressed, leading to failure in setting limitations to the legislature and in securing local self-government’ full autonomy. The regulation of such issues is left to the legislature, which sets a solid basis for both exercising and developing local self-government powers. However, in order to continue the process of decentralization, we believe that it is necessary to strengthen local self-government at the constitutional level. The paper points to some possible improvements.
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