Research on Effective Strategies for Cultural Cultivation into Local Government Higher Education Policies


  • Qiuge Liu Xi’an Jiaotong University City College ,Xi’an Shaanxi ,710018



cultural self-confidence, higher education, local government, effective strategies, the general public, laws, regulations


In order to improve the level of higher education, local governments need to develop effective strategies for cultivating cultural self-confidence, so this paper analyzes from the perspective of education policy. Local governments should analyze the conditions for the integration of cultural self-confidence according to the conditions of local autonomy, and do the following; the impact of cultural self-confidence integration on higher education policy; higher education policy involves institutions, performance and methods; cultural self-confidence includes values, social environment and the concept of self-confidence; The impact of cultural self-confidence, local government and higher education policies on education, and the main influencing factors. The results show that the cultivation of cultural self-confidence includes socialist values, social and cultural environment, and the concept of personal self-confidence, which have a promoting effect on higher education, which is one of the main influencing factors, the education system of local governments, the educational performance of colleges and universities, and the cultivation method of cultural self-confidence are the effective aspects of education improvement, and strategic support needs to be provided from the above perspectives. 


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