Cultural and Creative Industries of Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading
local autonomy, cultural creativity, industry, smart city, cultural innovation, cultural upgradingAbstract
In order to explore the relationship between local autonomous cultural and creative industries and economic and cultural upgrading, this paper uses a questionnaire survey to conduct practical investigation and analysis, and discusses the relationship between the following aspects. Local self-government, The results show that local autonomous cultural creativity can promote economic growth and improve cultural level, and there is a certain correlation between economic growth and cultural upgrading, but the correlation is poor, indicating that the impact of economic growth on cultural upgrading is indirect, and cultural upgrading and economic growth are the main factors for the development of local autonomous cultural and creative industries. Local autonomy is the main influencing factor of economic growth and cultural upgrading, and it is also a combination factor for the development of cultural and creative industries. Therefore, strengthening local autonomy, promoting economic growth, and cultural upgrading can promote the development of cultural and creative industries.
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