Voices of Indigenous Peoples on National Capital Relocation: Evidence from Indonesia
indigenous peoples, FPIC, participation, Indonesia, IKN NusantaraAbstract
IKN Nusantara, the new national capital of Indonesia, is being developed in an area inhabited by indigenous peoples. IKN development is characterized by a government-led top-down strategy implemented by the IKN Authority. Although the Indonesian government has recognized the existence of indigenous peoples in this area, the formal approach taken poses challenges for indigenous peoples to defend their land. Therefore, this study used the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) approach to investigate the voices of indigenous peoples who have lived in the IKN Nusantara area for generations. The results reveal that indigenous peoples affected by the IKN relocation do not have adequate access to information. Furthermore, consultation and consent procedures, as well as participation by indigenous peoples, are also lacking. Indigenous peoples have voiced their concerns about potential displacements resulting from urban development projects, which is akin to those faced by the Betawi community in Jakarta. This study highlights the need for more inclusive and transparent processes to ensure the rights of indigenous peoples are respected.
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