The Urgency of Forest Governance: Learning from Brazil's Sustainable Tourism Development


  • Rahayu Subekti Lecturer, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Faculty of Law, Jl. Ir Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia
  • Jamal Wiwoho Professor, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Faculty of Law, Jl. Ir Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia
  • Alya Maya Khonsa Rahayu Lecturer, Universitas Slamet Riyadi, Faculty of Law, Jl. Sumpah Pemuda No.18, Kadipiro, Banjarsari, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, 57136, Indonesia
  • Haedah Faradz Lecturer, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Law, Jl. Prof. Dr. H.R. Boenyamin No. 708, Purwokerto 53122, Indonesia
  • Aries Harianto Lecturer, Universitas Jember, Faculty of Law, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37 Kampus Bumi Tegalboto, Jember, Jawa Timur, 68121, Indonesia



forest governance, integrated landscape, sustainable development, forest management, sustainable tourism


This study aims to describe the development of sustainable tourism as a method for the enduring management of forests, ensuring the effectiveness of applicable laws, the direction of forest governance policies, and their impact on the environment. Furthermore, it compares these aspects with the conditions in another country, Brazil. This research is a legal study that employs legislative, conceptual, and comparative approaches. The findings indicate that despite relevant regulations, their effectiveness remains low, necessitating focused and directed forest governance guidelines. An integrated landscape approach based on ecotourism development is considered an appropriate solution. However, tourism development also poses risks to forest sustainability, with the potential for significant forest area loss. The study also discovers that the direction of Indonesian government forest governance policies tends to have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, Indonesia requires an integrated landscape approach as a solution to the failures of sectoral approaches, aiming to prevent damage caused by development. Furthermore, Brazil offers legal comparisons as solutions for the Indonesian government in creating regulations and policies related to forests for tourism.


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