Position of the Local Development Fee in the System of Local Taxes and Fees in the Slovak Republic
development fee, Slovakia, local taxes and fees, municipal budget, municipal incomeAbstract
In the article, the authors focused on the application of the most recently introduced optional local fee in the Slovak Republic, namely the local development fee. Since 2017, the income from the fee has been a source of funding for the municipalities that have introduced it in their territory by a generally binding ordinance. The article aims to identify the position and budgetary significance of this fee and to evaluate its development in the period since its introduction, at the national level in Slovakia in comparison with the trend in the capital of Slovakia - Bratislava. The authors conclude that the fee is being imposed by a permanently rising number of municipalities and increasing incomes from the fee are observed. The importance of the fee as a source of funding was identified at a case-to-case level, even though its significance at the overall level of Slovakia is yet low.
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