The Legal Aspects of Activities Taken by Local Authorities to Promote Sustainable Development Goals: Between Global and Regional Regulations in Poland
sustainable development law, regional government, local authorities, Poland, sustainable development goalsAbstract
This article examines the role of local authorities in promoting the sustainable development goals set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The main aim was to analyse the legal aspects of activities taken by local authorities obliged to promote SDGs with the use of global and regional regulations, using the example of Poland. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda has damaged the current, ineffective model of Implementation of Sustainable Development. The present study discusses the Polish approach to sustainable development, including the experience and tasks of Polish municipalities, poviats, and voivodships in the field of sustainable development strategies as well as the prospects of implementing the goals of the new 2030 Agenda. The critical analysis of the legal aspects of activities taken by local authorities confirmed the thesis that the global solutions proposed in the 2030 Agenda are at least partially compatible with local legal regulations.
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