Canons of Interpretation as Substitutes of Causation in the Public Administration’s Rulemaking


  • Mirko Pečarič University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Gosarjeva ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana



causality, substitutes of causation, canons of interpretation, rule making, public administration


In science the usual research and thinking are based on the cause-effect relations while in the law this approach is mainly used in adjudication and not in rule making. Within the latter causality cannot reach a scientific level, so there are substitutes of causation at work that are a base also for the canons of interpretation. Draft rules are in the majority of cases prepared by the public administration, but surprisingly there is a little emphasis of the public administration’s role at interpretation of the (draft and enacted) rules. The paper deals with reasons for the absence of causation in rule making, states the non-scientific substitutes of causation in rule making and points at the modus operandi of rule making in the absence of causality for which administrative deference is of crucial importance. The paper gives reasons for the absence of canons of interpretation in Europe and gives the most important canons of interpretation for the rulemaking in the public administration. This work can be more complex than judicial, because the element of institution’s impact is more present in the first.

Author Biography

  • Assistant Professor


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Conference Paper (Annual Conference 2020)